Saturday, September 1, 2012

11 months. Still under warranty!

As your first birthday approaches ever so nearer, I find myself reminiscing about the day we were told you were going to be born.  I remember holding my tight belly waiting for your next little move and wondering if God was about to complete our family with a boy or girl. I wondered if I would be able to be the mommy of three that I have dreamed myself of being. If I was ever asked what I thought I was having, I may have come across innocently neutral, but deep within I  privately knew I was carrying an angel named Clairen Marinda.

11 months. 

you are absolutely a mommy's girl and at times I have convinced myself 
you are literally a part of my body because I carry you so much

you have proven that my design plan for getting children to sleep through 
the night before 6 months old has flaws and doesn't work for every baby

although you honestly have the sweetest and most gentle spirit something is telling me
there may be a little lioness hiding inside...this is usually indicated when
you are playing with your big brother

you have refused pacifiers, fingers and thumbs, and have uniquely chosen
to suck your left wrist and rub your right ear

you love to laugh and seek out play with your big brother and sister

you are doing great at feeding yourself small bites of banana, avacado, green beans,
banana bread, chicken and are loving new foods such as mashed potatoes, spaghetti,
and even tastes of ice cream

you greet everyone with a friendly wave and bashful smile then tuck your head 
into my shoulder

we call you the scavenger because you will put anything you find on the floor into 
your mouth and eat it. I have pulled out tape, craft fluff balls, corn, Lucky Charms cereal,
paper, jello...not to mention the numerous times I stopped you before you could
attempt to get it into your mouth. You are found most of the time sitting 
under the breakfast table trying to eat the crumbs off the floor!

you  nap from 9:30 am - 11:15am
 12:30pm - 3pm

you have the biggest, most contagious smile

you have 4 shiny sharp teeth

i love the way you mimc the sounds we
 make at you

you love to click your tongue and say da da da

your toes are always in motion whether sitting or standing

it's fun to watch you crawl or creep along with
 a goal in mind and you can entertain
yourself for a considerable amount of time

you get super excited when we play
 catch the ball

if there is a purse or bag on the floor, you love
 to remove everything that's in it one 
thing at a time

your beautiful in the color blue

you look to your big brother to play

you look to your big sister for protection

We are still falling in love with our "sissy baby" and don't 
worry little princess, your warranty will never run out!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Tennis Anyone?

Cayman has been asking to play tennis since last summer.
She was a little to young at the time, but now it's time to finally play!
She just completed her first tennis camp and now wants lessons.
Maybe she will follow in her Grammy's footsteps! I'm even going
to start lessons this summer with her...but on a court full of adults not kids!

  Learning the forehand.

Learning the backhand.

We love watching you practice.

Great job Sis! Congratulations on completion of Tennis Camp!
Our family will encourage and support one another in all that we do. 
It was fun watching you learn and participate in something you have chosen.
We are with you all the way!


See you later Alligator!

Happy 3 Years Cohen! Now let's eat the alligator before it eats us! 
You like me to read about alligators. You like to watch them on T.V. and 
always want to see them at the zoo, yet will say " I not like alligators...they might bite me."
This is my first cupcake cake and it was for you!

For those who really know you this may come as a surprise. 
You were a little embarrassed to have the family sing to you
and watch you blow out candles! 

Enjoying Pizza with Cayman and Hallie. 

 Mmm, cupcakes! Even more exciting that it turns our lips green!

Danger: No Swimming! Alligators in the pool!

We love to celebrate you!

My handsome pool boy!

Fun Cousin Time!

Thank you for the new exciting Sprinkler 
Schapka family.

A brand new just took off!
See you later, Alligator!

We love you Cohen and wish you a wonderful year 3!!

Always on your side,

Growing So Big- 8 months

Here you are now at 8 months old. Although you
are my only child who is not sleeping through the night, 
I have realized that I need you just as much as you need me.
Whether your little cry in the night means you are hungry or 
that you need to be reassured you are not alone; forever
my arms will cuddle you no matter what the cause. 

Your disposition reminds me of many admirable women I know. 
You are calm and gentle yet have such great inner strength. 
Do not underestimate the size because you can handle just about anything...
from big brother's hugs and tickle matches to a busy day in the car.
Every girl has her limits and when you become exhausted you just have to cry until you
are put to your bed only! Yes, this makes for a sleepless night for the family
when we are away from home. But guess what, no one complains because we
love you sissy baby! 

Your spirit is so gentle and it's easy to make you laugh.
It's not always easy to hide in the game of hide and seek with you.
You give our hiding spots away because you anticipate being found
and can't keep your laughter inside!
I tend to laugh at things most people may not think is funny and I sense
you may have the same gifting! The outbursts come when we may be least
expecting it, but it almost always has something to do with what Cayman
or Cohen just did. 
Of course daddy tickles your heart every time he walks in the room and speaks to you.
Your eyes tell the story of a daddy's love just like what was captured in the picture above.

Memorial Weekend 2012.  You are our third and we are now complete. 
You, too will live to know all about your Grandma Casey just as Cayman
and Cohen are experiencing. 

Snort, sniff, snort sniff! When I was a baby, I made the exact sound and facial
expression as you are having fun with now. This is what you look like when you make those noises.
It's funny how contagious it is because when you start we all end up doing it at the same time! 

The wrestling matches have begun. You are very proud of the fact
that you can make it difficult for me to change diapers now by rolling over,
and over...and over...and over...

When we catch you on a good day you actually have quite a bit to say!

The time has come where we must say goodbye...or should I say...
until we meet again.  Who can resist leaving when you are there showing how you can wave.
We love watching you wave your arm and milk your fingers to say "Hello" or "Goodbye."


8 months
1. 18.5 pounds
2. Scooting around the ground, but not yet crawling.
3. Would rather eat several small meals than 3 big meals.
4. Can pick up tiny objects in your fingers.
5. Tickle spots: neck, ribs, thighs
6. Where size 9 month clothes.
7. Like to eat most anything.
8. Started sucking your left wrist. Yes, that's pacifier, no thumb or blanket...the wrist! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Kindy Celebration

The countdown has ended! The last day of Kindergarten has arrived and the fun has only begun. We have witnessed what was once a shy yet brave little girl blossom into a fantastic reader, creative writer, a faithful friend and great student who loves school.  

The journey through "Kindy-land" has been "sweet!" From crazy hair day to Cayman's favorite...pajama day, we have had a year full of great experiences. It has been rewarding to see her so engaged in school and participate in the classroom.  

A note from Mrs. Gallagher: 
 " You are  a very special person and Cayman you should know how I loved to be your teacher how fast the year did go. Please come back to visit me and through the grades you grow, try hard to learn all that you can, there is so much to know. The one thing I tried to teach you, to last your whole life through, is to know that you are special just because Cayman, you are you!

 Congratulations to you Cayman for your hard work and acceleration!

So the time has come now to exit the halls
of a school where children can stand proud and tall.
Great teachers who fill their with lives with lessons
of trust, dedication and solid education.
Thank you for the Kindy Celebration!

Always on your side,

Monday, May 7, 2012

Swimming Party Splashdown

 Celebrating our friend Kinlee's 6th Birthday at Kingfisher
Aquatic Center. Fantastic Fun!

The only time this boy was still!

Clairen's first time in a swimming pool and absolutely loved it!
She kicked, splashed, squealed and lasted as long as the big kids!
She's a water baby and in the right family!

You can see she has her own built in water floaties! 

Too adorable for words! 

I was lucky to get a group picture because the kids wouldn't slow
down enough for any photo shoot today! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Green Eggs and Ham?

Cohen asked for green eggs and ham for breakfast. I thought, " Why not?"
They were quite a success, but this comes from a boy who will eat anything! 

Oh so appetizing!


He likes it; He likes it! 
 Dr. Seuss would be proud!

" Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."

April 15, 2012